Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wednesday, April 21

Today has been really great day. There was barely any schoolwork involved which I definitely can't complain about :) School started with PE today. We took at 10 minute walked in the beautiful sun to get to some tennis courts. Half the kids played tennis while the other half were led in a cricket game by the one and only me! I never would have thought I'd lead a game of cricket, but I'm really starting to fit into the Irish life so I did a nice job if I do say so myself! There was a tie during the first game, which they call a "draw."

When we got back to the school I actually headed over to the Kill-O'-the-Grange church to do some volunteer work. Every IU Cultural Immersions student has to do some sort of volunteer work during their stay overseas (is it really volunteer work if you have to do it to pass a class?). Anyway, I decided to help with a mums & tots group called "Shake, Rattle, and Hum." It's a group of "mums" that come with their babies and toddlers each week. It's a chance for the moms to get out in the community and gives their children an opportunity to play with others. The woman who heads up the group said many of the moms that come are very lonely at home and are just looking for a friend to talk with. Some of them are foreign and are just learning Englishl, so this is a great opportunity for them to practice. So basically, my responsibilities are to play with babies and talk, could life get any better? I had some really great conversations with a few moms.. it was a good experience.

This week is "arts week" at the school. There is a different sort of art taking place each day. Today the kids got to dance with an instructor from a dance studio. It was a blast. They were getting so into it, no reservations at all. Miss Caulwell and I even got in on some of the action :)

After dance was lunchtime. After lunch the students read letters I had my Indiana students write to them, and they wrote back. We set up a little pen-pal system. The Irish kids were really excited about it, and I KNOW my Indiana kids will be too. I can't wait to send them!

So a little recap of my day:
1. Cricket
2. Talking/playing with mums and tots
3. Dancing
4. Lunch
5. Letter writing to Indiana


When I was walking to the bus stop there was a cross guard who was supposed to be helping local students cross the street. I was the only one right there and she wasn't sure if I was a student or not since I didn't have a uniform on. She asked if I was a student, so I said, "No, I'm actually 22." She could not believe it at all, she had thought I was 15 (lovely). She yelled across the street to the other cross guard "SHE IS 22!!!!" I told her I was even engaged, so then she yelled that to the other guard as well. Usually I hate when people tell me I look like I'm 15, but she was pleasant to I really liked her. Plus she told me I had nice teeth, so I began to really like her. It ended up that we were stuck at a red light for a long time, so we had a nice conversation. She told me about all her travels to America, particularly Chicago. She was really nice and wished me very well for the rest of my teaching. I hope to see her again.

After school Steph and I travelled to Blackrock for the first time for a little shopping. We found a Starbucks and plan to meet there tomorrow. I ordered my regular iced skinny caramel latte, yum! They taste as delicious as Indiana's, but they NEVER come stirred, no matter what Starbucks it is. I kind of like how it looks. Oh, and they don't have cinnamon lattes, bummer!

My way home from Starbucks was really pleasant. I saw one of my students playing with lots of friends in my neighborhood. He was excited to see me, which made me feel like I really fit in here; I actually know people when I'm out and about! Right after this I saw a plane in the air which is a bit relieving. I hope to be on one of those to come home someday soon!

-I told the Irish kids today that the kids from Indiana would be pumped to receive letters. They thought the word "pumped" was hilarious.
-Toothbrushes here are ridiculously expensive. They're like 4-6 Euro, which is about $6-9
-At the shopping "centre" today we saw an escalator that didn't have steps. It was kind of like the ones at airports, bit it took you on a slant to the top level. I should've taken a picture.
-I heard a mom tell her child today to "put his tears away."
-Gas stations are called "petrol" stations.

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