As always, my day began with a glorious bus ride. I saw one of my students on the bus, so we walked to school together after we got off the bus. She told me she had a water gun fight with her cousins last night, but that "the boys were mad because we wet them, but we didn't let them wet us." I thought that was phrased cutely.
There was a lesson today on adding and subtracting time. They learn 2400 hours here, which I'm not too experienced with. It took me a bit of extra time to get my mind straight. I think the kids thought that was funny.
Today Miss Caulwell asked me to teach badminton. Yikes! I think the last time I played badminton was in middle school gym. I felt bad, but I had to tell her I didn't know how to play it. Then she asked me to just come up with any game for them to play. This made me uncomfortable because I don't have the slightest clue what materials they even have, so she ended up helping me lead them in a game of cricket.
After school I walked to Steph's. We made our way up to Killiney Hill and went a little camera crazy :) It was so amazing. The water is bluer than I've seen. It is so neat to be standing above everything and to be looking down on the town we live in. There were cute little pathways and people walking dogs everywhere. Such a beautiful time!

I never was able to climb this tree.. I couldn't lift my leg high enough on the left side, and I couldn't jump high enough on the right side. Woe is me. Steph was able to :(
When we got back to Steph's "tea" was on the table. Nola invited me to stay for dinner, so I did. It was some kind of pasta dish with corn, beef, and sauce. They were putting it into pita (they pronounce it "pitta") bread. It was really good.
I walked home afterwards and tried to finish my IU assignment. I'm banking on getting it completely done tomorrow. For now I need to go to bed! Steph and I will be meeting in Dublin tomorrow, so I may not get a chance to post.
Randoms things:
-cling film = saran wrap
-Today Miss Caulwell said, "Oh my, Lordy me!" I giggled inside.
-They use the word "giddy" a lot.
-Advertisements is pronounced much differently. They put an emphasis on the "ver" syllable. Then, the "tis" is pronounced "tiss". adVERtissments.
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