When I got to school this morning all the teachers gave me a funny look, and I knew that had somehow found out my exciting news. Instead of the usual "How was your break? What did you do" I got the "I heard your news, CONGRATULATIONS!" Then they would all come over to "have a look" at my ring. They all though it was beautiful and that Andrew did a good job, I agree:) My principal thinks I'm young to be engaged, so she said "I still think you're mad, but I'm happy for you!" I don't agree, but it was funny to hear her say it that way.
The day started with all the students telling about their Easter break excursions. I am so surprised at all the places they go. Some of the places that were mentioned were Dubai, Egypt, Barcelona, and Munich. I wish I could travel to all those places like it was no big deal! Like I've said before, people here think it's strange that many Americans don't even have passports.
Interesting names in fifth class: Ivan, LucyLou, Alistair
I am spending the next two weeks in 5th class with Miss Caulwell. Today I got to teach about Australia. I think it's funny that I am from the US, spending time in Ireland, and teaching about/researching Australia. I am so impressed with how much the kids know about other countries. They are much more educated about the world than I expect them to be. They knew about as much about Australia as I did. I prepared a memory game for them to play.
During language arts today the students studied poems. They had to answer questions in their best handwriting about one of the poems. They whipped out these awesome pens called "feather" pens. I was so interested in them. I think the kids thought it was hilarious to watch me ask questions about them. I need to try and write with one. Then they showed me these markers they use to white out any mistakes they make. They told me that the marker actually "rubs the mistake out," but once you've rubbed it out you can't make a mistake again because the marker won't work overtop of itself. If they make a second mistake they are instructed to put the mistake inside parentheses.

The feather pen. If you click on the picture your computer should show you a larger view.
The white out marker.
You can see here above his knuckle that he made a second mistake over the white out marker because he put it in parentheses.
They were laughing at all these pictures I was taking. Alistair asked me if it would be illegal for me to buy some of the markers here and then resell them in the states. I told him that would probably be illegal. He was bummed because he was thinking about moving to America and starting his own business.
I am currently trying to finish an assignment that I have to turn in for IU. It's totally huge and is taking up my entire evening (minus the time I've been distracted talking to friends and Andrew). I haven't done anything for IU during the past month though, so I shouldn't complain.
Random fun information:
-They say "back garden" instead of "backyard"
-Today one of the students was talking about a water gun fight he had over break. The teacher asked, "Did ya get saturated?"
-The teacher also said, "Jeepers, that's terribly snazzy!"
-Cookouts are referred to as "barbecues"
-One of the students told me today that a "jiffy" is 1/100 of a second. Now I understand the term "I'll be back in a jiffy!"
-They use the term "strappy" when they're referring to people being rude or disrespectful.
-They say "craic" for "crazy"
-They also use "My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas" to memorize the order of the planets
-They said "correct the papers" instead of "grade the papers"
-One of the girls said "mightn't" today. It was so cute to hear.
-They say "look after" instead of "take care of"
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