During school yesterday I was in 4th class. They are a rowdy set of kids, and I actually substitute taught them for the second part of the day. They actually behaved pretty well though, I was quite pleased.
Some of the interesting 4th class names-
Girls: Bronagh (Brona), Zara (Zarra), Appiok, Bethan, Krettika (those last two names aren't common here either)
Boys: Eoin (Owen)
I've been getting a "lift" home from a "practicing teacher" here (sort of like a student teacher). She is in her 40's and we just happened to learn that we live right across the corner from one another. I come to her house in the mornings "for 8" (they say "for 8" instead of "at 8"), and we enjoy a nice ride to school together. She is very kind, and it's nice to have someone ask me questions and talk to me. I get a little lost in the staff room conversations at school, so I get kind of lonely sometimes. Starting my day off by riding to school with Catherine is really nice. It also saves me money that I would be spending on bus fare, and it saves me the headache of the crowded bus.
Today was a fine day, I woke up still a bit homesick but I managed to survive. I began the morning with the Junior Infants (they are 4 & 5, it would be the year before Kindergarten). They were absolutely adorable and I loved every minute of my morning.
Interesting Junior Infant names-
Girls: Cosima, Sorcha (Sorsha), Ngok (Knock.. not common here either)
Boys: Eoin (Owen), Kai (Ky), Ciaran (Key-air-on), Oisin (Oysheen)
Unfortunately the 4th class teacher was sick today, so I had to spend the rest of my day subbing for them again. It ended up being a fine day, and I was impressed with the kids' behavior (thankfully). We had some extra time in the day so we had a little United States Q&A session. They had endless questions, I had to cut them off. I find it really fun to talk about my home to kids who have never visited the country. It's funny to hear some of their perceptions of America.
After school I came home and Skyped with my mom. Our conversation left me dreadfully stressed about getting a job this summer. Things are looking grim for me in the job world... after four summers in the Ulen Pro Shop I've kind of lost my spot since I won't be in town until the end of May. I have talked to some other places, but those aren't working too well either. Anyone need a babysitter? Or anything? I will do anything!
Today is Steve's birthday so the two families celebrated with a nice dinner. It was really nice to see Steph. I think we're going to plan another long weekend trip because we don't have school next Monday!
Interesting things I've heard or noticed in the past few days:
- "to-ing" and "fro-ing"
-the class attendance is done on paper... there is a teacher who comes around midday to ask each class if everyone is present
-some of the 5th class kids couldn't believe that my Indiana student teaching class had a TV and a mini-fridge. They thought that was amazing.
-It is common here for people to take a year off to travel. They just up and leave for places like Australia and Spain.
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