I subbed in Junior Infants today. They are 4 and 5 years old.. so adorable. It was a BUSY day, but they get out of school an hour earlier than the rest of the kids so that was nice!
My day consisted of coloring, finding sums, singing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" and making up moves, playing Duck Duck Goose, and being constantly tapped on the back, the side, the hip, the elbow, the leg, or wherever they could tap me enough to get my attention.
During assembly this morning one of the little girls started randomly saying the Lord's Prayer to herself out loud. It was strange because there was a skit going on at the time. She was causing a little bit of a scene; it was hard for me to know what to do because she was supposed to be quiet, but how do you tell a 4-year-old to stop praying? I decided to let her just finish it out.. it was hilarious.
One debate I was asked about today was whether Jesus had a dad, and if so was his name God or Jesus?
I love how young kids are so honest and sweet. They were all holding my hand and telling me they liked me only 10 minutes into the school day.
Today a girl said to me, "My heart is hurting." So cute.. well, not cute that she had gotten her feelings hurt, but phrased preciously, especially when you add the accent to it.
I am still constantly amazed at how much people travel here! Three of the Junior Infants told me they are leaving the country because we are having a three day weekend. One little boy even said he was going to Capetown. Keep in mind he is only 4, so this may not be true.. but I actually wouldn't doubt it. Another boy said he is going to Spain.
There is a boy in the class named Harry. I was told twice by the whole class today that I was saying his name wrong. Each time I would call on him they would say, "It's Harry, not Harry." I ended up just having to say "Harry" with the best Irish accent I could so they'd leave me alone! I felt ridiculous, I would have been embarrassed if someone from the States had walked in and heard.. haha. It's funny how they thought I was calling him by the wrong name because of my accent, but they didn't correct me on any of the other names today.
One of the kids said to me today, "I wonder why you're so short." I thought it was funny, although I was a bit bummed because I thought maybe four-year-olds wouldn't notice. I was wrong.
Okay, I just realized I was wrong about the names. I was actually corrected on the name "Lauren" too. I pronounced it the way we do, "Lorren," and a few of them said, "Her name is Lawren, not Lorren." Thankfully Lauren said, "She can say it however she wants," so I didn't have to turn on my fake accent for her.
After school Steph and I made our way to the bus to Belfast! It rained a little, but the rain was followed by countless rainbows. There were so many we actually lost count. They were beautiful!
We arrived into Belfast and easily found our lovely Travelodge hotel. Steph and I went for a small walk, but decided the streets weren’t the safest at this time at night. We decided to get some sandwiches at a nearby Centra (a popular convenient store) and are calling it a night. We’re going to get up early in the morning in order to have a full day in Belfast.
I want to come to Ireland to spend the day with the precious junior infants!