Friday, May 21, 2010

Last Day at Kill O' the Grange

Today was the best last day I could have had. I spent the day in fifth class, which is the class I have spent the most amount of time with. My Indiana students wrote them letters which arrived to Ireland this weekend. The fifth class students were able to write them back today, so that was fun. All the teachers were very kind to me and told me I would be missed. I didn't realized I would be so sad to leave, but I really will miss it. The fifth class students had a really big card for me, and one student even gave me a CD with a powerpoint on it. The powerpoint had several slides that said she would miss me, she enjoyed having me at Kill, etc. I was so touched that she would take the effort to do something like that. The most special thing about it was that I actually taught fifth class how to do powerpoints, so she was able to use something I taught her to do something special for me.

I want to share this cute comment. Yesterday was my last day with Senior Infants, so Mrs. Richards told them all I would be leaving. One boy gave me a very concerned look and said, "But what if your family doesn't recognize you when you go home?" Such cute things run through kids' minds, I love it.

After school I stuck around for a while to talk to all the teachers and to have one last tea in the staff room. Catherine took me home, as usual, and we ran by Tesco (the grocery store) on the way home. We were walking by the ice cream aisle and she was craving some, so we picked out a box of ice cream bars and shared some on the way home. She said she would like to go for coffee sometime before I leave so we can say a formal goodbye. I will miss her so much, she is so kind to me.

Now I am just reading and hanging out at the house before I go to a dinner for the teachers tonight. There is an appreciation dinner being put on by the PTA at the school, and any teacher who has been involved in the school during the past year is invited. Parents are invited too, so it will be nice to meet some of them.

This weekend will be fun. I am going to spend the day with Hayley tomorrow. Steph's family is arriving to spend a week here tomorrow, so my host family and Steph's are planning a dinner for Sunday night. I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Yay you're almost home! I'm glad you've had such a good time though : )
