Saturday, March 27, 2010

Girls Brigade Display

The Girls Brigade Display was really neat! Girls Brigade is a girls "club" that can sort of be compared to Girl Scouts. They meet once a week and do all sorts of things. Sometimes they do crafts, learn dances, or compete in Girls Brigade competitions. There is a certain march they learn with all sorts of different commands. The littlest girls were SO cute when they were marching. Girls Brigade can begin at age 3, and you can be a member forever. There are multiple different levels: Tiny Tots, Explorers, Juniors, Seniors, etc. It only takes place from September to March, and the end of the year ceremony is the display we attended last night. Nola is the "Captain" of the "company" we went to see last night. It was almost 3 hours long and consisted of marches, dances, jump roping, skits, etc. It was fun for me to watch because not only do I know Hayley, Emma, Laura, and Anna who were in the display, but a lot of my students were in it as well. I took lots of videos because my pictures weren't looking good.

This was the smallest Brigader there. She was adorable. All the Tiny Tots got a chance to jump rope, and when she got up there she just started jumping with no regard to where the jump rope was. It was hilarious.

Hayley is in the middle with the red ribbon. Unfortunately I think the Taylor Swift song is overplayed in Ireland as well.

There was a huge Disney display. There were about 10 different groups of girls dressed up as different Disney characters. I thought this was the cutest one, The Little Mermaid.

Hayley doing a jump rope routine

Tiny Tots beginning their march

After the display Nola had a big gathering at her home. There were maybe 40 people there. There was lots of good food and it lasted until almost 1AM. I had a lot of fun talking to everyone and getting to know people better.

Steve, Diane, Nola, and John left this morning for a small vacation. Diane didn't even know they were going until last night, it was a major surprise. I think they went to England. They won't be home until Wednesday. Hayley is staying with "Gran" (their grandma), and Jamie and I will stay here. I think I'll actually stay at the Lambert's with Steph though, because we plan to be out late and I don't want to walk home in the dark alone.

Steph's boyfriend and his friend arrived in Dublin a few hours ago. We are going to meet up with them at 3 and go have some fun! I have no idea what the plan is yet, but I'll surely write about it later:)

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